The mechanical toy is completed and i have took some pictures of it. Here are some pictures:
As promised,i took a video on the testing of the mechanical toy.
As you can see,the mechanical toy is working great
..and if you are wondering what is this toy.
Well,it is a burger which is split open having 2 eyes popping out.I call it the split burger SURPRISE!
♥ little ROBOTS.
3:37 AM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
This year's image board's topic is on toys.Well,there are many diffeeren types of toys.Different type of toys use different type of mechanism to make it work in an interesting way.There are some toys that use cam mechanism.There are others which uses gears.Example(beyblade etc..Some even use springs.Example(Bdaman etc...)There are toys that uses electronics like motors.Example(crush gear etc...)There are more types of toys.Check it out on the web for more information on toys.
♥ little ROBOTS.
6:49 AM
Monday, July 14, 2008
I've been researching on different types of electronic components since yesterday.Today,i would be covering on motors. Here's an interesting website on how motor works and what it contains and many more information on it:
♥ little ROBOTS.
6:17 AM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I've been researching on mechanisms and visited quite a few sites.I will be talking about cam mechanism
This is what i learnt about cam mechanism:
Definition of cam mechanism-A CAM changes the input motion, which is usually rotary motion (a rotating motion), to a reciprocating motion of the follower.
This website feature many types of metallic mechanical toys design with a small key mechanism. Picture can't be uploaded cause it is copyrighted...sorry
♥ little ROBOTS.
12:34 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Sorry to not post for a long time.I've been researching on mechanical toy for my journal.i've decided to sell mechanical toys related to music in a primary schol to raise funds to build a music centre.The toy should be appealing to primary school students.It should also be affordable to them.i'm currently on researching cam of mechanical toys.Till next time!
♥ little ROBOTS.
4:36 AM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Mechanical toys nowadays have striking colours and could even take a form of a well known hero.The one below is called guan yu and the one above is zhang fei.
i have another holiday project.Its on a journal and its about making mechanical toys.I will show some mechanical toys.
♥ little ROBOTS.
4:58 AM
Presenting the one & only
Name:Soon git
School:Hua Yi secondary School
?What time isit?
Look how fast time flies!
!Now Playing!
Enjoy if you enjoy it! Mute it if you dislike it...